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Just Me (and a little shopping)

Welcome to my Blog! I’m so glad you found your way here! I decided to start my first blog by introducing myself and telling you how I became an organizer. I have lived in Vero Beach for 18 years. My husband Aj and I have been married for 12 years and although we do not have children, we do have two fur babies, an extremely energetic dog Eva and a mischievous tuxedo cat, Dexter, who more or less tolerate each other. In my former life I was a marine biologist working at an ornamental fish farm (I know, sounds glamorous right?). I didn’t mind the work, but I was never passionate about it. It took quite awhile for me to realize that organizing and design are what I truly love. Currently I work as a designer and administrative professional at a coastally inspired interior design company. Working here has given me some expression for my creative side and has allowed me to fine tune my design skills. Now I know what you are probably thinking, that I must have a home that is completely put together and that everything has a “place.” Well that is not the case, but that is something that I am consistently working on. My design style is based around the fact that my time outside of work is precious to me and I want to spend as little of it as possible on cleaning my house (who else here hates dusting?). Therefore my home is organized in a way that is more minimalistic to limit what needs to be cleaned. That’s my personal preference and there are so many styles of organization that can work for any interior design layout. Organization is an ongoing process for me as it is for everyone.To describe one of the reasons organization became so important to my life I have to give you a little background, i.e. my shopping habits. Now, I wouldn’t say that my shopping is–or was – out of control, but I do love finding a good deal – I mean, who doesn’t? For me, though, shopping was a coping mechanism for when I was feeling down or upset about something. What always blows my mind is how Anthropologie or another of my favorite brands would always know when I needed a little shopping therapy and they would send me a 40% off sale email! Seriously? I mean come on, how do you resist that? Of course though I would have to reach the $150 minimum to get free shipping (anyone else know that rationale?). Ultimately I would order a ton of stuff, almost instantly regret it, and then return most of the items. Not a healthy cycle for me. Luckily I read a couple of articles that changed my perspective on shopping (and I hope that my blog can be a resource for those who are struggling the way I was). The first thing that really changed how I viewed my shopping was the question, “Do you love how it makes you feel?” For me, the answer is usually no. I have armed myself with that question and I use it all the time. This helps me limit what I am buying – or keeping what I already have – to those items that I truly love and that make me feel good. The second thing that helped me is the 80/20 rule, which apparently you can apply to just about anything! For clothing the rule states that you wear 20% of your wardrobe 80% of the time. Sounds absurd right? Well that’s what I thought until I took a good, hard look at my closet. The rule is shockingly accurate (try it out with your closet and let me know if it’s true for you too). That was my turning point. Since that day I have downsized my wardrobe by about 50% and counting (this is a process,remember?), and the best part is, I don’t even miss what I got rid of, I feel relieved! These two simple ideas can be used in every aspect of your life (and I will be uploading posts that talk about how to apply these principles to other areas of your home and life so stay tuned for those!). This sense of relief I have felt through applying these principles – and others – to my life is something that I want to share with you all and help you to achieve as well. That is why I became an organizer, to change lives and families for the better, to give them more time and space to do the things that really matter. If you feel ready to take that next step know that I am here to aid you in every way that I can. I look forward to sharing my stories and ideas with you, and also hearing yours in return.

Your partner in this process,


My fur babies, Eva and Dexter

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